Friday, January 14, 2011

Open Dumping

Open dumping is the simplest and inexpensive method on trash disposal which only needs a large scale of area to dump trashes. Usually, low swampy areas are chosen for it.
Open dumping method is very simple, any solid trashes that have been gathered only need to be piled up into two or four meters dumped in the available area before it is recycled or destroyed. It would be easy if any trashes that were gathered had already been separated based on its material, so it could be process to the next step rapidly. But usually, especially in the development countries, people mix all of trashes together since the beginning, so it needs more time to separate it. As a result, the amount of trash that has been recycled cannot match with the amount which is come, so the pile is continuously getting bigger and bigger. That is way even though open dumping doesn’t waste too much money in the beginning; after a several period, it needs much cost to enlarge or open for a new area.
Despite of its simple and inexpensive way, open dumping actually has many disadvantageous. There are :
1.       Open dumping spreading foul odors.
2.      Open dumping provides the area for germs, viruses, and vermin to breed; so, it becomes the source of many diseases.
3.      Open dumping can contaminates the ground water.
4.      Open dumping prone to cause slide down.
5.      Open dumping wastes and occupies an unnecessarily large area.
According on the facts above, open dumping has more disadvantages instead of its advantages. Even, its disadvantages tend to become dangers; therefore, it is better to avoid this method in trash disposal.


  1. so ,have you any alternative to this huge amount of waste disposal rather than dumping at site,,??
    burning will create air pollution,ocean dumping is also not good..please reply..

  2. find out more on

  3. great ...please my question is what is best way of waste disposal in a university
